A November to Remember- If you have a story of a loved one that has been through hell or possibly passed and want to remember them for their achievements, I would like to hear from you. We all have been though some sort of tragedy regardless of the severity one may place upon it. You all still deserve your minute to acknowledge their life's achievements. If you are interested email me at kkviel@gmail.com
So now just an update on what's been going on in my life explaining my absence this week. Yeah, I may have come out the gate hard, then all of a sudden disappeared. But mind you for a good reason, I am very very pregnant and will be having another child here soon. So when I was getting dizzy and short of breath I couldn't help but get concerned and ignored my blogging responsibilities. Hope thats a decent enough excuse. But good news apparently getting up at 430 am for no reason and going to bed late is not acceptable for a 36 week prego. Also, "forgetting to eat" is a no no. So due to extreme fatigue and low blood sugar I was making myself feel like crap. If you know me, you know that I'm good at that. But am happy to say everything looks well and now am "recovering" from my own stupidity and ignorance.
Let us get rid of all this seriousness and go for funny for a paragraph or two. or maybe i should just say nerdy.
Well oddly enough, I dont have a life, who would've thought right? So I play fantasy football just to add some sort of excitement to my days. Already a football fan, it seemed like a reasonable thing to do. And after my husband being asked "what are your wife's hobbies" and he responds "umn... she likes that facebook stuff... oh and she sews." I had to throw and even more geeky thing into the mix. (you know its bad when your husband says facebook is a hobby, and even worse when I can't even come up with any myself) So after being fantasy football retarded I start to figure it out. I get my players and see how it goes. week one: BabsMonroe vs. TheBleedingBlackandGold (why are you bleeding black and gold, you really should get checked out) Anyways, I was totally stomped by this guy, and assumed it was how my fantasy season was going to go. I mean these guys probably get together and hang out and trade and do that meticulous planning shit. But as week two rolls around i win move from 9th to 6th and so on. So 5 weeks later I am number one in the rankings. Really? me? number one? and as i see this, I can not help myself but to inadvertently let out a very loud wooo! Which apparently, freaked out the dogs and the next thing i know i have two american bulldogs barking in my lap. After I get them calmed down, Meat (the male) looks at me with this look like, "what a freaking dork, if she didn't scratch my ass I wouldn't even be seen with her" So it looks like Ive been bitten by the fantasy football bug and all you boys in my league watch out! But it wouldn't surprise me now that I drop all the way to last, just for boasting.
You should interview witchgrass... I hear she's pretty good
***pretty AND good
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